Supporting VYLs in the classroom

I’m currently in the process of conducting some research on YouTube, and stumbled upon this video that includes lots of useful tips about supporting VYLs in the classroom. In particular, I like the discussion around the kinds of language used to communicate with...

Free YL Online Grammar Training

Teaching grammar is one of those things that I think challenges a lot of teachers. Here’s a link to a useful video training on teaching grammar to young learners in a real world context by one of my favourite English teacher trainers, Joan Kang Shin, author of...

Free training for online English teachers

National Geographic Learning have just released a three-part training, about online learning, conducted by one of my favourite young learner authors, Joan Kang Shin. You can view the first part above on YouTube, and the whole series can be found...

How to plan a great lesson

I’ve just started studying another of the free online courses on teaching English at Futurelearn run by the British Council. This one is called Teaching English: How to Plan a Great Lesson, and I’m finding it really useful. As always, in courses like this,...