I’m currently in the process of making new flashcards for my classes, and just discovered a useful resource of free EFL flashcards. EFL Flashcards has a few dozen lexical sets of flashcards, that cover a broad range of topics.
While I want to continue to create my own flash cards in order to control their quality, this website seems to be a good source of cards for the beginning teacher. One thing I like about the flashcards available, is that they tend to offer a wide range of vocabulary items for each set. For example, for the clothes flash cards, there are around 30 different items. Likewise, for prepositions, there are 14 cards. Also, they have some sets of phonics flash cards that play well with the Jolly Phonics program.
A couple of other good sources for free flash cards are MES-English, English-4-kids, and ESL-Kids. BusyTeacher has a crazy number of flash card sets on their website, but the ‘problem’ is that they’re teacher created, which means some are great, others not so, and there is a lack of consistency in their flash card sets.