Today I want to share with you some in-class videos taken in a Very Young Learner (VYL) kindergarten English classroom. These videos are from one of my favourite authors / trainers, Herbert Puchta. Herbert Puchta is considered an authority in teaching Young Learners and Very Young Learners, and he’s the author of several popular English courses.
The first video covers the use of Total Physical Response (TPR) in the VYL classroom.
The next video covers introducing new language to students using realia.
In the following video Herbert Puchta introduces new language using very different multi-sensory techniques.
In the final video, he uses a flash card game to review language from previous units.
It is always useful to watch how different teachers work with students and these videos are helpful because it is very difficult to find examples of good VYL teaching on YouTube.
Herbert Puchta is the author of Activities for Very Young Learners, one of the few books published specifically about teaching English to Very Young Learners. I’ll review that book another time.