by David | Crafts, Learning
I bought a Wacom Intuos tablet on my recent trip to Taiwan, in order to upgrade the quality of my crafting. As I wrote a few weeks ago, I took out an unlimited subscription to That subscription allowed me to download unlimited SVG formatted images to...
by David | Games, Learning
When you begin teaching EFL or ESL to children, you quickly learn that there are many thousands of games you can play in class. Even at the kindergarten level, I’ve read descriptions of more than 1,000 different games, and tried more than 200 games in my...
by David | Learning, Training, Video
It’s rare to find good professional development for teaching very young learners. Here’s a webinar from Herbert Puchta which should give you a few ideas you can apply into your classes. In the session, he also summarises some of the interesting...
by David | Learning, Video
Today I want to introduce you to Eddie Woo, one of Australia’s most celebrated Maths teachers. Eddie Woo has a way of making a topic that most people think of as complex and boring, into something exciting, useful, and relevant. This is something I aspire to do...
by David | Learning, Tips
Attention grabbers. As the name might suggest, attention grabbers are a tool to recapture and focus the children’s attention on the teacher when they’re getting distracted. Having given up classroom management tools like stickers, stars, rewards, and so...