
One of the applications of differentiated learning is to make your lessons more engaging by understanding your learners, and personalising lesson content to their needs and interests. I’ve been lucky to be teaching a small group of Starter students for a while...

What is TPR?

Total Physical Response (TPR) is a method of teaching English developed by Dr James Asher, that combines language and physical movement. In short, its providing an action made with the body, that the students can use to support remembering each piece of language. For...

A grammar resource for young learners

In researching grammar for various levels of young learners, I discovered an interesting resource I’d been previously unaware of. These are websites which list all of the grammar points for each level of young learner. Generally speaking, this style of website...

A free letter boxes tool

Here’s a tool for creating word-shape resources for Starter kids. While you can create word boxes in software like Excel, or even PowerPoint, a much easier way is to install a font that automatically makes a box in the correct height and width for each letter. I...