by David | Kindergarten, Tips, Training, Video
I’m currently in the process of conducting some research on YouTube, and stumbled upon this video that includes lots of useful tips about supporting VYLs in the classroom. In particular, I like the discussion around the kinds of language used to communicate with...
by David | Classroom Management, Games, Learning
Yesterday, I shared why I don’t use overt competition in my VYL classrooms. Today, I want to share my favourite quote on competition, it comes from an reviewer of Alfie Kohn’s book ‘No Contest: The Case Against Competition’. “I...
by David | Classroom Management, Kindergarten, Lessons
There’s a fairly common view held by teachers of very young learners that competition doesn’t work well in the classroom. Generally they say this is because young children find competition stressful. My sense is that very young children can’t relate...
by David | Software, Tools
One of my favourite Mac utilities (ever), just got a major update. That app is called EasyFind, and is created by DEVONTechnologies, the team behind DEVONThink. EasyFind is kind of like the Spotlight utility on the Mac, except, um, it actually works. It’s so...
by David | Technology, Tips, Video
Following a big payout last year for not doing enough to comply with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act, YouTube made changes to the features available on content made for children. That basically includes the majority of videos you might want to watch...