by David | Classroom Management, Reviews, Starter, Training, Video
One of my colleagues recently released an online course I’d like to share with you. Its about classroom management for teaching English to young learners. It was created by Will Herr, and he operates an English teacher training company called Star Teacher Training, in...
by David | Classroom Management, Games, Learning
Yesterday, I shared why I don’t use overt competition in my VYL classrooms. Today, I want to share my favourite quote on competition, it comes from an reviewer of Alfie Kohn’s book ‘No Contest: The Case Against Competition’. “I...
by David | Classroom Management, Kindergarten, Lessons
There’s a fairly common view held by teachers of very young learners that competition doesn’t work well in the classroom. Generally they say this is because young children find competition stressful. My sense is that very young children can’t relate...
by David | Classroom Management, Kindergarten, Tips, Video
I’m still thinking about all of the ways I can integrate body percussion (where the body is the musical instrument) into my classroom. When I first heard of the concept, and saw it on YouTube, it was immediately apparent that kids would go nuts for it. At the...
by David | Classroom Management, Kindergarten, Themes, Tips
Last week, in my series of articles on zoo and wild animals resources, I described a settling technique (‘sleeping lions’) for classroom management, that also helps you manage transitions during the class. Today I want to share another, a stirring...