Top Tip: Use an ad-blocker

One of the useful things about cover teaching, is that you get to see how different language centres handle the same situation or circumstances. You get to see how some ideas work really well, and other ways of doing things, don’t work so well. It’s kind...

Iconfinder: Review + Promo Coupon Code

  At the moment I’m working on making mini-flash cards for my EFL Kindergarten course. (You can download my free kindergarten mini-flash card template.) The way most language schools make their mini-flash cards is they download black and white images from...

Take a peek inside my teacher’s box

  Here’s a look at the tools I use in my EFL kindergarten classroom. The use of most of the resources will be fairly self-explanatory. Here are a few notes: I use the balloon for a quick game of balloon volleyball if we have some spare time. The three sided...