The secret to expanding your phonics games bank

When I first started teaching phonics, the teachers were given a small games bank of ideas for using in our phonics lessons. Later, I realised that, whilst some games (like duck duck goose) are really good for teaching phonics, the secret to expanding your phonics...

Phonics Bingo

Last night I played phonics bingo using CVCs, with my young learners. It worked really well. (You could also play phonics bingo using individual letter sounds.) Bingo works really well with very young learners, too. It might take a little demonstrating, but VYLs can...

Little things, big differences

In my first job after university, I worked for one of my country’s leading investment banks. Year after year, they were making 20%+ return on equity (about 3 times the amount as their competitors), and profits were increasing each and every year. From memory,...